Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice

Do you believe the terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" can be problematic? Why or why not? Explain your position.


  1. Yes I do believe this terms can be problematic because pro-life is a true and definite term that means you truly believe in human life and you are completely opposed abortion. However when you use the term "pro-choice" thats when I feel it can be problematic. Many people say they are "pro-choice" however I don't feel you can really be "pro-choice" you are either pro life or pro abortion. If you are pro-choice then you are pro abortion, because if you support choice then most of the time the choice is going to be abortion, so in most circumstances pro-choice is pro-abortion.

  2. "Pro Life" and "Pro Choice" are not accurate terms when it comes to talking about abortion. Pro-Life means that you believe that, in every situation, a child should never be abortted. However, things become problomatic when it comes to Pro Choice. People tend to assume that because a person is Pro Choice, that they always want a child to be abortted, which is not allways true. People are Pro Choice because if people want to get an abortion, they are going to, wheather it is legal or not. But some people are Pro Choice and want abortion to be legall, so that if people do want an abortion, there is a safe place they can go and have the procedure performed

  3. These two terms can be problematic when dealing with abortion. Pro-life is a definite term and means that you are against abortion and for human life. Pro-choice is where the problem occurs. Some that argue for pro-choice that abortion is good at some times but not all. You must be either pro-life or pro-abortion there is not in between. If you are pro-choice then you are pro-abortion.

  4. I do believe that the terms pro-life and pro- choice can be problematic because if you only use those worlds people may not understand what you are talking about. Pro-life means that you do not like the idea of abortion because the baby should have a right live and not be killed. But someone could also take that as saying that you do not believe in the death penalty but there are people that believe in the death penalty but are against abortion. Pro-choice means that you believe that the mother has a choice to keep the baby or kill the fetus. This term can be very problematic because somone may take it as just meaning that you have the right to choose anythnig. These two terms should be changed to something more accurate I believe but if people can all understand them then maybe the are working. But there are most likely people who don't understand them.

  5. The terms pro-life and pro-choice are problematic because in my case I believe that abortion is bad so people will say I'm pro-life. But there are some conditions in which I would allow an abortion to take place. These instances include rape and if the woman is or becomes a drug addict. Although I hate the feeling of a harmless baby being killed (pro-life), I do beleive abortions are necessary depending on the situation which is why I think the terms pro-life and pro0choice should be used loosely.

  6. The terms pro-life and pro-choice are problematic. One who is pro-life is against the aborting of a child in any case. They realize the reality that an abortion kills a human being. The term pro-choice comes off extremely negative merely by its wording. One who is pro-choice gives a mother the opportunity to decide for herself whether she would like to keep her baby. This term automatically gives others the impression that because one is in favor of having a right to choose that they are for abortion. While this may be partially correct in many cases, abortion may be seen as an alternative in some cases and we may never know the actuality of our opinions unless we are in fact faced with a situation of this magnitude.

  7. The terms "Pro Life" and "Pro Choice" can be very problematic when dealing with the situation of abortion. "Pro Life" means that in every situaion you want the baby to be born and not be abortted. "Pro Choice" is when you choose wheither or not you want the baby to be aborted or not based off the situation that the baby would be coming into. There is much room for argument espically based on the "Pro Choice" side because people would believe that people might always want to get aborted when that may not be true they just may want it in certain situations such as rape. "Pro Life" may be argued that it is always better for a child to be born even if it is going to have a disorder or if the parents are unable to give it everything that it deserves.

  8. These two terms can be problematic when you are talking about an abortion. Pro-life is being completely against abortion, but pro-choice is making the decision that will have the best benefits. You make the decision off of the situation at hand. I think being some one who opposes abortion in any situation is wrong because there are cases where you do not choose to be pregnant. A pregnancy could be the reseult of being raped. In this case an abortion is acceptable.

  9. I believe that these two terms are not as problematic as they are misleading. When you say that you are pro-life then you are clearly stating what you believe in. When you say that you are "pro-choice," you are using a term which does not fully state what you believe. Nobody wants to be labele as "pro-death" but that is exactly what it is. When you say your pro choice you believe the woman has the right to choose, but if you believe that the correct choice is to live, then you would be pro-life, effectively making "pro-choice" actually "pro-death."

  10. First of all, I think that both sides of the argument did a great job of picking there names. Pro-life, who would ever be against life, and pro-choice, who would ever forbid a woman to choose what to do with her body. Obviously which ever way you look at it, there are strong feelings on either side of the argument, and whenever feelings are this tense, there is going to be a conflict and cause problems. You will always have conflict in the world, because people will always disagree with one another. It's not so much about the words themselves, but the meaning we put behind them. It's not about what you say, but what you do, and how you prove your point.

  11. No, I do not agree with the title pro-choice and pro-life. Each of these two titles show a bias in favor of what each stands for. Instead of phrasing it as anti-abortion, it is phrased pro-life to promote positive connotations. For pro-choice, pro-abortion/anti-life are not utilized for the same reasons pro-life is not reffered to as anti-abortion. Overall, the titles should be reffered to as pro/anti-abortion to remove all bias from the equation.

  12. The terms "pro- life" and "pro- choice" can be problematic when yiou closer at what the terms actually mean. When you look at the term "pro- life" it is a term that is accurate. When you are pro life, you support all forms of life which does not exclude unborn babies because life begins at conception. The term "pro- choice" is problematic because it invovles the use of semantics. People play with term because it isn't politically correct to "pro- abortion", but that is exactly what the term means. Even though a person may be pro choice but anti abortion, they get lumped into a larger pro abortion group because of how they view the topic. So when you get down to the facts, a person who is pro choice is more accurately described as a person who is pro abortion.

  13. The terms "Pro Life" and "Pro Choice" can be very problematic when dealing with the situation of abortion. People are forced to choose whether in every situation abortion is wrong, pro-life, includong rape, and situations in which the mother will die if the baby is born. On the other end, Pro- choice condones the action of abortion in all cases. The terms can be troubling to people because there are always circumstances in which arguments can be made. From a utilitarian standpoint, pro-choice would be the best choice, and the choice that suits the mosty amount op people would be made. Reletavists would also believe in pro-choice.

  14. The two terms "pro life" and "pro chioce" can be extremely problematic when talking about a abortion because they are on oppsite sides of abortion. Pro life is all about saving lives and assuring that every inoccent young human gets the chance for life, where it was an accident, meant to be, or rape, every human should get the right to life.Which is exactly against Abortion. The pro choice people argue that the mothers should have the right to decide where they want to bring a child into the world or not. The two terms are problematic when talking about abortion because they are exact oppsites. One talks about pro life and saving lives and the other is about giving the mother the chioce to bring the girl into the world or not.
