Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Leadership and Choices

In the first section of the video we watched on Friday, Hunter states that he believes that leadership is about the choices we make. Do you agree or disagree with this? Why? Provide a specific example to support your claim.


  1. I agree with Hunter when he says that leadership is all about the choices we make. I agree with this because a leader is someone who has to make choices for himslef and the group that he is leading. An example of this is when we took the seventh graders disc golfing. We had to make the choice to play the right way and do the right thing so that the seventh graders would have an enjoyable and memorable day. What differs between a leader and someone else is that the leader is willing to make the right choice, regardless of whether or not it is the popular choice.

  2. I agree that leadership is about the choices we make because we can clearly choose to lead or choose to do nothing. Also you have to make choices when you are leading. Sometimes these choices are very important and some are not so important but all of them have some type of effect on the way you are leading. Also you would have to choose to use the leadership techniques that you have learned aside from any management techniques you may now. The choices you make also would effect they way others think of you and you wouldn't want to give the middle schoolers the wrong impression of what is wrong or right. So it is important that you are cautious in the choices you make.

  3. I agree with Hunter's premise that leadership is about the choices we make. He goes on to say that if we would like to be leaders, we must also change and improve. A leader has the choice to make these decisions and a true leader will not make a choice for his/her own wellbeing, but for that of the group. Everyone has the choice to become a leader or not. "Leaders are not born, they are made," according to Hunter. This means that anyone can become a leader if they make the right choice. Leaders must take responsibility and serve others. This is by no means a requirement, but simply a choice that everyone has to make. We ourselves have made the choice to show leadership by simply applying and ultimately being admitted into this class. We also have the choice to decide to be a positive example in the community at Cm, thus being a leader. Hunter points out that what may seem like a very small choice, ultimately divides leaders from managers.

  4. I agree with James Hunter that leadership is about the choices we make. We are all born with the ability to lead but we must choose to show our leadership ability. For example if a student is being picked on in school and two other students witness it they have two choices, to ignore it or do something about it. If one student does something about it and the other student ignores it then the first student would be showing leadership while the other is not. A leader is someone who makes choices not just for the good of him/herself but for the others around him/her.

  5. Yes, I agree with Hunter's statement that leadership is about the choices we make. Part of the definition of leadership is to "inspire" our followers to do what we want done "willingly". If we chose the right choices and set a good example for our followers, then they will see us doing good, and choose to do good themselves. It's as Ms. Ramsdell and Mr. Scott say, they look up to us. One example of this is the Walk for Breast Cancer. All of us in this class chose to do that walk. I guarantee that a number of those middle schoolers decided to go on that walk because they saw that we were taking the time out of our schedules to go as well.

  6. I agree with Hunter. Leadership is all about the choices we make. The choices we make, dictate the consequences that will happen. And in order to be a good servant leader, you must lead by example, and you cant lead by example if you are making bad choices. So, not only do you have to take responsibility for your choices, but you must also take responsibility for the consequences for your actions, that is what a good servant leader does. However, everyone can be a servant leader, so everyone should take responsibility. Leadership is a skill, and like all skills, you can learn it. There may be a few people who were born leaders, but there are not nearly enough of them for this world, so the rest of us have to pick up the slack

  7. I agree with what Hunter says. Leadership is all about our choices we make because we can chose to act likeable or unlikable. That fact that someone tries to act like a leader and improve upon their leadership skill is a big choice in itself because it takes a considerable amount of effort. For example to build leadership, you have gain someone’s trust and you have to build a relationship with said person and to do that you have to act in a way to make that person want to like you, all of which are choices. Also Hunter said that everything you decide is a choice, even not making a choice is a choice, so, when he made this statement it was not just limited to leadership.

  8. I agree with Hunter's belief that leadership is about the choices we make. The entire aspect of leadership is based off of decision making and making the right choice. An example would be dealing with underage drinking at a party. You may be surrounded by alcohol and could be experiencing peer pressure from your friends or even just from some older kids in your school. Choosing not to drink is making the right choice which displays leadership. In a situation like this, telling your friends what they're doing is wrong is also making the right choice, and once again, is also a form of leading. Hence, leadership is 100% about the choices we make.

  9. I completely agree with what Hunter is saying. As a leader someone is always watching us. Making the correct choices and doing the right things is a huge part of being a leader. Anyone can become a leader. All you have to do is make choices that are for the betterment of others and not just yourself. Our actions reflect on the type of person that we are, and if we want to be a true leader we must make the right choices all the time. This also applies to out of school activities. Leadership is not an act just to look good, but it is something that we should display 24/7. We have to make the decision to avoid harmful situations such as using drugs or alcohol. A true leader leads at all times. The choices that we make are definitely a huge part in being a leader.

  10. I agree with Hunter's statement saying that leadership is about the choices we make. If we do not make the right choices and follow other people, we are not leaders anymore but followers. This is why as a leader, you need to make your own choices and not what other people want you to make for a choice. Even though it may not be the best choice going against your friends, sometimes it is the best decision for you and your life. A specific example of this is if all of your friends were smoking marijuana. Would you smoke it to fit in, or say no and make the right choice? A leader would say no while as a follower might say yes because he wants to fit in.

  11. I absolutly agree with what hunter is saying. Leadership is all about choices. In fact being a leader and leading is in fact a choice. An example of this is dealing with a fight between two kids. Majority of the kids would just sit back and watch. But a leader in this situation would try their best to break it up, even though its not the cool and popular choice, it is in fact the right choice to make. Being a leader is all about making choices and especially making the tough choice wen no one else will.

  12. In the first section of the video Hunter states that he believes that leadership is about the choices we make. Yes i absolutely agree with Hunter's statement, because of a few different reasons. Leadership is about the choices that we make, because we control what we want to do and the choices that we want to make, if we want to be a leader then we have the ability to step up and be leader, an example of this would be when fellow students are bullying another student. Most kids would sit back and act like nothing is happening, however a leader has the ability and would make the choice to step up and stop this bullying from happening, even though it is not the most common choice it is a choice that a leader will make, and that is what leadership is about.

  13. I do believe with what James Hunter says. You can not lead without making choices. In fact, not making a choice at all, is in fact making a decision. So if something happens when you are leading, and you make no choice between two options, than you actually are making a choice. An example of this can be seen anywhere we lead, especially when it involves a hard decision, an unpopular decision, or a wide ranging one. Being a leader is hard to do, especially when you are put in an uncomfortable position.

  14. I agree with the statement made by James Hunter. Your decisions in life can not only determine whether you are a leader or not, but decisions make you the person that you are. The choices that you make in certain situations can cause people to see you as a leader. An example would be at a sports practice. Players are always looking at eachother for the next person to step up. A leader is the person who steps up. The leader will be the player who does what he has to do for the well being on the team, even if some of the team members do not like the decision. A leader can not please everyone with the decisions he makes which is why people have the option of choosing who they wish to follow.

  15. I agree with Hunter when he says that leadership is all about the choices we make. This is the case because a leader is someone who has to make decisions for himslef as well as the general good of the group. An example of this is the pressures of everyday life we face as teenagers, specifically in regards to theuse of drugs andalcohol. What differs between a leader and someone else is that the leader is willing to make the right choice, regardless of whether or not it is the popular choice.

  16. I agree with what Hunter says when states that leadership is all about the choices one makes. A true leader makes the choices that aren't always popular with his people. When choices need to be made, a leader will make a decision that is for the betterment of himself and his people. An example of this would be the peer pressure that we face everyday. Drinking or smoking may be the thing your friends are doing, but a leader will make a conscious decision to not do these things because they know that it is the wrong choice. By choosing not to do these things it may not be the "cool" decision, but you will know that it is the right one and hopefully you will convince your friends that it isn't for them either.

  17. I agree with Hunter's statement that leadership is about the choices we make. A leader makes decisions for the wellbeing of the people that he isas trying to lead. If you make a bad choice, your status as aleader will be affected. We all have the great choice of becoming a leader, it is a skill that is aquired over long periods of hard work and studying."Leaders are not born, they are made," . To lead you must serve, and anyone in this world can easily make the right decision to serve. This is not forced upon us. We, as peer leaders chose to take upon this duty to serve our Catholic Memorial community. When much is given, much is expected. We are all born with the aquired skill to lead but we must choose to rein in this power that we all have within us and show it. We want the people that we lead to be inspired to follow us, this is not a complicated task. For example Jesus Christ, in simple manners he earned the respect and inspired all of the disciples to be martyred in the name of the Lord. If that is not leadership then I dont know what is.

  18. Hunter's statement is true when he says leadership is about the choices we make. If you deciede to make a bad choice, in school or out of school, your reputation as a leader will degrade. People look up to a leader to make choices, and if you do make the right choice, then your trust and service with that person will influence them. President Obama needs to lead his country in times of crisis, and the choices he makes is influenced on all of the citizens in America. Whether we like or dislike the choices he makes, he is still doing it for the good of all people which is what a leader should do

  19. Yes, leadership is about the choices we make. To be a leader you must choose not to stupid things and you must choose to do what's morally right instead of what's popular or easy. An example of doing what is right and what is easy is the following situation: several friends are making fun of a classmate, you have two choices. Add in with your friends, or try to protect a kid who can't defend himself. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who would add in with their friends for no other reason than cowardice. They are scared that their friends will think less of them because they did something perceived as not cool. The leader needs to show both a heart and some guts to do what he should. That is why the choices we make strongly dictates whether we're a good leader or not.


    When Hunter makes the statement that leadership is made by the choices we make he is absolutely correct. A leader is looked upon, whether or not they realize it, so if they choose to make a decision that is poor because they don't necessarily think that they are in the spot light then that will effect there ability to have trust in those who look upon he/ or she to lead. Not only do they effect the people around you, that look up to you but they also effect you personally, which is obviously the most important matter. If you're making choices that put yourself at risk than in no way should you be looked upon as a leader.

  21. Leadership is most definitely all about choices. The choices you make is what makes you a good leader, making the right decision all of the time and not just some of the time. Being a leader you have to make tough decisions, and standing by your decisions. Making the the decision is one part of being a leader but then getting people to follow you, by choice not by force. Leadership is all about about making the right decisions and getting people to follow you.
