Thursday, October 1, 2009

Leadership Wisdom of Jesus

What are some of the points (2-3) you feel Jesus was trying to make that are relevant to leadership today?


  1. Jesus was trying to make relevant the points that one a true leader can ask some one to do something and they will do it not because they are forced to be because they want to. Also he shows that leadership is much different then power because power is obtained more with force and to be a leader you have to earn your status. Jesus also made it clear that to be a leader you need the respect and trust of those who you are leading.

  2. Jesus made it clear that just because he was a leader, it didnt mean he had power over people. Jesus did things just as people with no authority or power would do such as washing of the feet. This created a since of trust between Jesus and his followers.

  3. Jesus describes how we must purposely put others first instead of ourselves and be selfless individuals. He also states how important it is for us to serve others. His main point is that in order gain the trust and respect of your followers, you must be a servant to all (ex. Jesus washes his disciples feet). Lastly, Jesus very strongly advocates the great importance of being humble and recognizing others rather than you. Jesus' premise on leadership calls for recognizing the needs of others and helping them instead of you.

  4. Jesus sends a clear message that we should not exaggerate our sense of superiority, that we should not become too caught up in our own importance. Most of all, He seems to say that those who directly strive to be great as an end result are going the wrong way a leader should be going. He alsosays to be humble and don't be a conceited self-advocate.

  5. Jesus made a number of points relating to leadership today. First, He tells us that being recognized as important isn't bad, it should just be under a solid base of humility. This means that we should be seen as a leader because of our authority, not power. Also, Jesus tells us that we should not exaggerate our sense of authority. He is telling us to act like a servant to out followers.

  6. Jesus sends a message to not discriminate against other people and preached a theam of equality, he even went as far as to put himself below others: when he washed the feet of his diciples. He also preached about love. Jesus emphasized that people should love one's neighbors on the Sermon on the Mound and in his Greatest Comandment, for example.

  7. Jesus describes that in order gain the trust and respect of your followers, you must be a servant to all. Jesus also sends a message to not discriminate against other people. Finally, he tells us that we should not exagerate our sense of authority, and to not get too caught up in our own importance.

  8. Jesus would be described as a servent leader. The people who he healed had complete trust in him and people around him also trusted him. People had confidence in him or else they would not go out to see him if they did not have confidence in him. They also had respect towards him but did not always listen to his directions when he told people not to tell others about his actions.

  9. Jesus is an example of a great leader. He began with little to no actual power, he was a carpender after all. By teaching by example, he influenced those around him, and they did what he wanted of them, because they believed in him, and his messages. So essentially everything that Jesus did is an example that we can apply to ourselves. Some of these examples were to put those less fortunate than you, before yourself and do what is right, not what is popular.

  10. Jesus was the ultimate example of a servant leader. He believed that to gain someone's trust, one must humble themselves and be willing to do anything that they would have one of their followers do. He also believed that a leader must be unbiased and not dicriminate against anyone and not let anyone over influence their decision. Lastly, Jesus believed that a leader should be able to trust his followers so much, that if he were to leave, they would not be be completely lost without them.

  11. Jesus might be the greatest leader of all time. His very humble beginings suggest He would be a very normal person, but now millions of people follow his teachings, many which had to do with leadership. One point He indirectlly make about leadership is that no matter how right you may be, or how much proof you have, there will always be someone, or a group of people, who will go against you. What you should do in this case is try to show this person the truth, but you cant force it upon them. A second teaching Jesus taught us was being a leader is not always the poular thing, some people would rather sit back and watch, and if you fail, pile on the blame.

  12. The points that Jesus made that relate to leadership today were the most needed points. Jesus was the greatest leader in history. Jesus got people into trusting him by not telling them to, but by showing that he was a servant leader and would help them. Something else he did was that he accepted anyone who wanted to follow him whether they committed a lot of sins or just a few.

  13. Jesus made many points that are still relevent to todays defenition of leadership. one of the most important things that he demonstrated was that you do not need to be above the people you lead, but that you should actually be below them. Exemplified when he washed the feet of his desiples. Jesus also demonstarted that you must be prepared to face adversity and to be able to deal with people who do not share the same views as you. Jesus would never force people to follow him. He would just lay the facts out on the table and let the people decide weather or not they wanted to follow him

  14. Jesus shows through example, as any good leader does that others should be taken care of or put ahead of our own needs. One of Jesus' main tools was deffinately trust because he did not in any way use his powers to gain followers. Jesus also showed us that being a leader takes courage in the sense that you may not make friends by making a decision that is the "right one" to make.

  15. Jesus' point about leadership was very simple. we cant act as if we have power over others, even though we might. Some of jesus' main points were to put the true followers of him above him. This resulted in enormous amounts of trust towards jesus, most likely because all of the alleged leaders of that time declared they had power over everyone else. Another of jesus' points was remaining humble, no matter how much people look up to you. This is how Jesus acted day in and day out. And he is remembered today as one of the greatest leaders of all time.

  16. Jesus described how we must distinguish others as a priority rather than put ourselves first, in an attempt to be selfless individuals. He also presents the significance of serving others. He believed that to gain someone's trust, one must be humble and willing to do anything that they would have done for onr of their followers. Also, Jesus described that in order gain the trust and respect of your followers, you must be a servant to all, emboding servant leadership.

  17. One of the points jesus talks about is howyou shouldbeaservant to all.He uses anexampl at a wedding party that you shouldnt go in thinking that you are the most important person there,you should go inb think you are the least important.Jesus also talks about putting others before yourselves in that youshouldnt be looking for the popularity yourself/you shouldnt be doing it for yourself.jesus believes that greatness comes inavoiding it, thus staying humble and keeping a low profile.

  18. Jesus makes sevral points in his passage. He tells his followers that leadership is having a person do something because of their trust and willingness to do it. Not because of being forves or punished if they do not.
    The nest point he makes is that being a leader is earned. To make a name for yourself you must be trusted and courteous. power is very different, if people are sacred of you that doesnt mean they respect you.
    You must gain the respect and trust of those who you are leading.
    Jesus also made clear that just because he became a leader of many,didnt mean he had authority and power over people. \
    Jesus also wants us to be selfless and put ourselves last after everybody else.You mustfirst be a servant and the most important thing of all is to keep your humilty.

  19. Jesus is a great example of a leader. Jesus was a leader all the time not just when he felt like it. Jesus was the perfect leader he gave up his life to save his followers, lookking out for others over himself. Jesus also did this all by choice, just like we all have the choice to be a leader and make the right decision. Jeus is the perfect leader.

  20. Jesus was trying to clearly illustrate that to be a leader you must serve your "team", you must sacrifice, and you must show that you have the components to back up your words. An example of Jesus serving is when He washed His Apostle's feet. An example of Jesus' sacrifice is his crucifixion in which he took upon the sins of the world. He made the ultimate worldly sacrifice for the people he loved, everyone. And finally Jesus showed that he could back up his claims as the Messiah when he walked on water, turned water into wine, expelled demons, and even performed a revival on Lazarus. Jesus' words still ring loud in the world today, 2009 years later. If that's not leadership then nothing is.

  21. Jesus is a prime example of a servant leader. He always put others before himself and didn't expect anything in return for all he did for the people. First. he gained the respect and trust of those who he was leading. Because of their trust and faith in him, his leadership is still going on today in the Catholic Church. This is truly remarkable, considering he has been gone for over 2000 years. Jesus also says not to get too caught up in the authority part of it, but more to lead by example.

  22. Jesus is the best servant leader in the history of humans, he continuasly chose to take others, and other peoples priorities, before himself and his priorities. The first example of Jesus's leadership that is still relevant today is when he washed the feet of his Apostles. This showed that he was no more important then his Apostles and showed that he always put his Apostles and everyone else in front of him. The second point that Jesus made that is still relevant today is that when he was killed he put everyone else in front of him, he made a choice that lead to his death, but he put all Catholcs in front of him. Both of these are two of the many examples that made Jesus such an amazing leader and both are still relevant today.
